Peyton Jameson O'Brien was twenty-two the last time she set foot in Chesterwood. She witnessed her mother's brutal murder, but has blocked out who killed her and soon after her death Peyton started to have dreams about her mother's killer. When word got around that Peyton thought she was having visions of new murders she was ostracized and left Chesterwood.

Ten years later there was a knock on her door and she was face to face with her husband's pregnant mistress. Peyton emptied her house and her bank accounts and headed back to the only other home she had ever known.

Now Peyton is running to the place that she ran from. A place where the man who murdered her mother is still free and the place where she cannot deny the visions she is having of not only other murders since her mother…but future murders. Enthralled in a new love and haunted by a love and a betrayal from her past she is stalked by the man who killed her mother and now wants to kill her.

You should have stayed away Peyton, now I must kill you before you remember who I am.


The phone was already ringing when she got out of the truck.

"Where is she?"

"She's at our special place Peyton. I have proved that I can get to her and to you Peyton. Leave Chesterwood or you die next." He hung up.

Peyton's mind was racing. Special place? Where is she?

"Oh God." Peyton jumped into the truck and floored it. She knew where she was. With her heart beating out of her chest, Peyton followed the back roads around the lake and turned onto the path that lead up behind her house and passed the Buford's barn to the place where she watched the murder of her mother.

She pulled to the side, locked up the breaks, jumped from the truck and ran across the walking bridge. "Can you hear me?" She screamed in all directions with her heart racing, ears ringing and sweat pouring down her back, "Where are you?" You son of a bitch where is she? Was I wrong about the place?

"Honey call out if you can hear me!"

Peyton heard a noise behind her, but as she turned she was struck from behind and the world went dark.

Chapter One

Peyton pulled her silver Mercedes into the only open spot in front of the Earl & Edwina Bed and Breakfast. It was five miles outside of Chesterwood. She couldn't bring herself to drive into town tonight. She would start tackling her old demons in the morning because her new ones were suffocating her.

Peyton didn't know how long she would be staying, but she paid for five nights in advance and asked that all her dining room meals be charged to her room and she would settle them at the end of her stay. The bed and breakfast was quaint and quiet, but way too much wood paneling and floral furniture covers for Peyton's taste. But right now she wasn't being too picky, she just needed a place to rest and think.

Peyton's curly blonde hair rested just under her ears. Her once bright blue eyes were red from all the crying she had been doing as she drove further and further from the place she had called home the last ten years.

After she put her suitcases in her room she locked the door and took a walk. Peyton had nibbled on a Slim Jim that she had purchased sixty miles back when she filled up her car, but that wasn't as filling as she imagined it would be.

First thing in the morning she would go to the bank in Chesterwood and open an account and put all the money into it that she had removed from her other accounts. The only two places she had known in her life were Richmond and Chesterwood. And right now she would give just about anything to have a third choice.

It wasn't as hot as she thought it would be on this mid-July evening. The shade from the beech trees cooled her and the road.

She walked two miles down route seven to the diner trying to think of anything except the life she had left behind. As she hugged herself and walked the pain came in waves.

On the outside it looked like an old-time fifties diner, but on the inside everything was state of the art. She slid into the red upholstered seat in a booth facing the road so she could watch the cars drive back and forth from Chesterwood. Relatively speaking it was a small town, but it had grown to almost three thousand people since she had been gone.

"Good evening what can I get for you?"

"I'll have the special with salad on the side. Light ranch dressing please and a lemonade with no ice."

The waitress was an older woman with a friendly smile. Peyton saw her carrying four and five plates at a time so she assumed that she had been a waitress for a long time.

"Coming right up."

Peyton hoped that the waitress hadn't noticed that her hands were trembling. Peyton hadn't been able to make them stop all afternoon. She had on her black Jimmy Choo GiGi Flat sandals and she kicked off one of them and pulled her leg up under her as she stared out the window.

Route seven was a main thoroughfare to the highway so there were several tractor trailers up and down the road at all hours of the day and night. Peyton remembered when the highway coming through Chesterwood made big news and brought in a lot of money for the town.

When she had left Chesterwood she promised herself that she would never return, but she had nowhere else to go. She couldn't stay in Richmond and face her husband after his betrayal and she couldn't drive aimlessly around the country for the rest of her life so after she placed most of her things into a storage unit and had emptied her bank accounts she got on the road and drove straight toward the place that used to be her home. The place that haunted her dreams.

"Here you go sweetie salad with ranch and lemonade the rest will be up in a few minutes."


Peyton rubbed her temples as she remembered the last night she had spent in Chesterwood.

-----She was standing in her father's living room trying to get him to listen.

"You have to stop this Peyton. She is gone and there is nothing you can do about it," Ryan Jameson said grabbing her by the arms. He reeked of the beer that he had downed every day since he was fifteen.

"Why won't you believe me I saw him? I saw him kill another woman!"

"Peyton people are starting to talk."

"Why do you care what they say you haven't cared when they called you a no good for nothing alcoholic?" she screamed.

He slapped her hard across her face. Stunned she stepped back with shock on her face with her hand against her stinging cheek.

"Peyton, I'm sorry."

"I lost her too dad." Tears were welling up in Peyton's eyes.

"Peyton you have to stop with all this nonsense. I understand that seeing your mother's murder took a lot out of you, but---"

"This has nothing to do with that Dad. I am trying to tell you that I had a dream about Nicky Madison and that he was after her and now she is missing!"

Ryan reached for his daughter, "Peyton we can get you some help."

Fury filled Peyton's eyes, "You don't believe me?"

"Peyton you sound like a lunatic and---"

"Lunatic? You know what Dad, go to hell!" -----

The waitress placed Peyton's food in front of her and she nibbled as she watched the sun go down. When Christopher had proposed she broke down and called her father, but when she got the machine she didn't leave a message.

The dreams that Peyton started having after she witnessed her mother's murder had scared her so bad that she would stay awake all night. Her father had asked Doc Taylor to prescribe Peyton something to help her sleep. When Peyton got up in the mornings she could remember bits and pieces of her dreams and slowly she could see that the things in her dreams were happening in the town.

Peyton didn't know if they were psychic visions or not, but either way she thought that her father should support her. She had just lost her mother and she felt betrayed by her father and the town she had always called home.

Peyton had run away to Richmond and got a job as a waitress. She found a studio apartment that she could barely afford, but it would do. She had only been working at Jimmy's for two months when she waited on this table of businessmen having lunch.

There were four of them in their expensive suits with their gold watches and one of them was a real ass. He sent back everything and then said his water glass wasn't clean enough and that he needed a new knife and so on for the entire meal. Peyton was half tempted to dump his iced tea right on his head and if her rent wasn't due, she probably would have. Just because he was about five foot ten inches with dark hair and dark eyes with a perfect smile was no reason for him to be a dick.

When they left and Peyton walked over to collect their check from the table assuming that since he was such an ass that he would stiff her on the tip also. To her surprise he had left five, one hundred dollar bills and had written a note on the back of his check.

I am sorry that I was such a pest, but you are so beautiful that I had to keep making up reasons to have you come to the table. My name is Christopher O'Brien and not that it is to my benefit, but I am a lawyer and I would really like it if you would give me a chance to argue my case as to why you should go out with me.

-Chris 804-555-2696

Peyton waited two days before she called him because she didn't want to seem too eager. She called Christopher O'Brien and on the six-month anniversary from the day they met he proposed and they were married on their one-year anniversary.

"Can I get you anything else honey?"

The waitress' voice brought Peyton back to reality, "No thanks just the check please."

Peyton paid her check and left a nice tip for the waitress and then headed back to the B&B. It was almost eleven and Peyton was tired because she had driven most of the day. She took her usual sleeping pill and plugged her cell phone to the charger even though she had the phone turned off and then went to bed.

The sheets weren't as soft as she was used to, but they would have to work until she decided where she was going to live. She was going to have to make a lot of decisions about her future.

-----"Mrs. O'Brien my name is Sarah and I am a friend of your husbands may I come in a minute?"

Peyton opened the door and let the young woman enter. She was five feet five inches with long blonde hair and big brown eyes.

"What can I do for you Sarah?" Peyton noticed that the girl had a small baby bump.

Sarah handed her a disc. "I'm sorry Mrs. O'Brien to have to tell you this, but I have been having an affair with Christopher. We have been seeing each other for over seven months."

Peyton's heart raced and her throat tightened. She tried to make her voice sound calm, "And why are you here?"

"Chris said he wouldn't leave you so in my child's best interest I figured if you knew the truth you would leave him." Peyton was amazed that this home wrecker could be that honest. "The disc is us together just in case you don't believe me. I'm sorry." The girl walked out the door and as the door closed Peyton's legs gave way and she slipped to the floor.

Peyton could see the grandfather clock in the dining room it was only nine fifteen and she knew her husband would be in court all day and be unreachable. When Peyton could stand again, she put the disc into her laptop. All the files were labeled. She quickly scanned through the photos of them together. The happy couple.

Then Peyton noticed the last file was a video that was labeled the proof. Peyton clicked on the icon and her media player filled the screen and then the streaming video of Chris and Sarah together. Peyton sat there crying, but she couldn't look away. Her disbelief had paralyzed her.

She watched her husband make passionate love to this young girl and tell her over and over how great it felt and how much he loved her. Peyton closed her eyes when the video ended and prayed for the world to end as her body trembled, and her stomach turned.

Slowly the hole in her heart began to fill with rage. Peyton pulled out her cell phone and called her best friend Tanya. Tanya was a real estate broker and worked from home. Peyton quickly explained to Tanya what had happened, and Tanya told her to leave the front door unlocked and go to the bank and empty all the accounts.

Peyton was in a fog of misery, but she did what Tanya told her to do. When she returned home there were three pickup trucks in front of her house. The first was totally full of trash bags and the second had Peyton's bedroom set that she loved. The third was still empty. Peyton walked into the house and heard voices from the second floor.

"Tanya," she called.

"She's back," she heard Tanya say from upstairs.

Tanya came down the stairs followed by four men that Peyton didn't know carrying suitcases. Tanya took Peyton by the arm and led her into the kitchen.

"You emptied the accounts?"

Peyton nodded.

"Ok the guys are putting your suitcases and laptop in your car. I packed anything that you might need for the next few weeks in those. The rest of your clothes will need to be dry cleaned because we stuffed them into garbage bags to get them out of here quicker."

Peyton hugged Tanya trying to absorb some strength so she wouldn't fall to the floor.

"I love you girl. Everything is going to be alright Rick has rented a large storage unit in his name so that it can't be found by Christopher."

Peyton heard the guys come back in the house, "Tanya, Morris is here with the large truck."

Tanya held her best friend by the arms, "Do you have somewhere to go?"

The knot in Peyton's stomach made her want to vomit, but she nodded that she did. But right now she didn't know what she was going to do.

"Peyton go, you should have everything you need in the car. I will call you in a few days. Everything will be in the storage locker when you need it."

Peyton swallowed hard and tried to clear her throat, "Make sure you're out of here before he gets home."

"We will be." Tanya kissed Peyton on the cheek and walked her outside to her car.

Peyton looked in the back seat of her brand-new silver Mercedes, she could see that her back seat had her two large suitcases and she assumed the two small ones were in the trunk. There was a large bag in the back seat that Peyton opened when she had purchased gas and found that it held her toiletries.

Peyton wondered as she drove down the interstate whether Tanya had done this before. She had men and trucks there in no time and had things arranged when Peyton hadn't even been able to catch her breath.

She knew Chris would go to Tanya's house looking for her and would most likely read her the riot act, but Tanya could take care of herself. -----

Peyton was awakened from her dream by a large tractor trailer that shook the entire building as it rolled down the road. But her medication quickly kicked back in, and she was sound asleep again in a few minutes hugging her tear stained pillow.

Peyton woke up at eight thirty and jumped in the shower. The scent of breakfast from the dining room filled the air. She could smell cinnamon buns. She got one from the dining room and took it with her. She couldn't remember the last time she had sweets. Christopher had always expected her to keep a perfect figure to match his image.

Peyton put on her sunglasses and slid behind the wheel. She wanted to be in front of the bank when it opened. The old town looked exactly the same as the last time she had seen it ten years ago. It looked like nothing had changed, but everything had changed.

The streets had been repaved and there had been an addition added to the high school, but all in all the same old Chesterwood.

She was the first customer in the bank that morning. She signed in with the receptionist and waited for her name to be called. The leather chair was cool against her arms as she stared at the ground in front of her not really seeing anything as she was lost in her thoughts. It only took a few minutes before an older gentleman came out of his office and motioned her over.

"Good morning Mrs. O'Brien how may I help you today?"

"I would like to open an account with your bank. I have cashier's checks from my previous banks and I would like to use them to open the account."

"Ok then I just need your driver's license, the checks and I have a few papers for you to fill out. You will have to maintain a two-hundred-dollar balance in order to keep the account active."

"I don't think that will be a problem." Peyton handed him her driver's license and the four cashier's checks."

The gentleman's eyes almost popped out of his head when he looked at the four checks. He nodded his head, "No I guess that won't be an issue."

Peyton signed his paperwork, and he opened the account for her. He provided her with a box of starter checks, and she requested the permanent checks be sent to the bank and she would pick them up.

"Mr. Windsor there is just one more thing."

"Yes, Mrs. O'Brien?"

"I would like a note placed on my account that no phone inquiries are to be made about it and that no deductions or transfers are to be made unless I walk in here and show my photo I.D. first."

"On your paperwork you have a code that is asked when the phone is answered and without that code no information is given not even whether or not you have an account here. I will have them add your note to that information on your account."

Job one down.

Peyton stood on the corner in front of the bank and looked around the street and over to the shoe store. They were having a sidewalk sale and had a large yellow and red hand painted sign that read fifty percent off all sandals.

She had so many positive memories of her childhood with her mother…

-----"Peyton Keara Jameson your dinner is getting cold!" Mira Jameson screamed up the stairs.

"Mama I told you that I was going out to---" Peyton stopped as she rounded the corner and saw her mother holding up a stunning baby blue dress. Tears filled Peyton's eyes, "Oh mama it's incredible."

"I made it for the dance and I am giving you money to purchase shoes to go with it."

Peyton hugged her mom and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

"I love you mama."

"I know," her mom said with a wink.

Robert Stark's eyes almost popped out of his head when Peyton walked into the gymnasium wearing that little blue dress with matching shoes from the same shoe store where Peyton was now staring. Robert wouldn't let her dance with anyone else that entire night. -----

Peyton hadn't thought about Robert Stark in a long time.

A young man strolled by walking his beagle. The dog stopped and sniffed Peyton's extremely expensive shoes. She knelt down and patted him on his head. That seemed to satisfy the dog and then he was on his way.

Peyton was hungry and she knew this eating out for every meal was going to get old very quickly. She decided she would eat at the diner for lunch and at the B&B for dinner, but first she wanted to drive around and check out the area.

After driving around for a while she found herself at the intersection that would take her up to her father's house, but she couldn't make herself turn in. She waved a truck around her and then she turned around and headed back the way she had come.

Peyton parked in the parking lot of the diner and locked her car. The lunch crowd was starting to pack in so she took a stool on the far end of the counter out of the way. She pulled her phone out of her purse and turned it on.

She had thirty-two missed calls and twenty-one voice mails. All the ones from Chris started the same way. Peyton I'm sorry. Then she would hit delete. Several times he would just hang up, but she didn't want to hear anything he had to say. Her feelings were a revolving door of hate and pain and more hate and overwhelming sadness.

The last missed call was from Tanya. "Hey girl I wanted to let you know that we got everything out of the house that belonged to you or that I knew you loved before he got home. I expected him to knock on my door last night, but nothing yet. If you decide to come home, you know you can stay here. I love you girl. Call me if you need anything."

"Excuse me is this seat taken?"

Peyton looked up from her phone and into the eyes of a man that made her instantly break out in a sweat, "No."

"Duncan Macbain," he said holding his soft strong hand out to shake hers.

"Peyton…Peyton O'Brien."

Duncan had the bluest eyes Peyton had ever seen and his brown hair was hidden under a baseball cap, but she could see it had a little curl to it…and wow that smile. He must have been five foot ten inches tall. He had muscles bulging from his plaid shirt.

"What can I get you folks?" the waitress asked.

"Oh we're not---" the both said at the same time.

"Together," Peyton finished with a smile.

"The lovely lady was here first."

"I will take a BLT with sharp cheddar and fries to go please." Peyton tucked her phone back into her purse.

"I will have a cheese steak with the works and triple fries to go please." The waitress nodded and headed off to complete their orders. Duncan smiled that smile at her, "Are you new around here? I come in here a lot when I am in town and I don't believe I have ever seen you before?"

Peyton contemplated for a second telling him the spiel of her life, but instead she just smiled at this gorgeous man and said, "Yes, I am staying in town for a few days."

"Well Miss Peyton O'Brien I hope that I run into you again while you're in town for a few days." His smile was perfect and for a minute Peyton forgot about all her problems, but only for a minute.

"Here you go." She handed each of them a bag and they handed her cash and they walked outside together.

Duncan's truck was parked right next to Peyton's car. He sat his bag on the hood and turned toward her.

"If you feel so inclined I will be at Bubba's on Foster tonight around seven," he said looking over the top of Peyton's car.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Duncan Macbain."

"You too."

Peyton gave Duncan one last glance letting her gaze enjoy his muscular form and those tight jeans before she started to back out of her spot and Duncan watched her until she was out of sight.

"Duncan who was that?" Ricky Burke asked munching on his fries and letting ketchup roll down his chin.

"The girl of my dreams," Duncan said only half listening to Ricky.

"Well she looks a lot like this girl who used to live here. Rumors were that she killed her mother and then tried to say she was having psychic visions of the real killer."

"I'll see you at your house," Duncan said and tossed his food in the truck. What an interesting woman.

Chapter Two

Peyton's phone rang and she pulled it out of her purse as she pulled into the B&B. It was Chris again. She hit ignore and threw it back into her purse with a heavy sigh and a roll of her eyes.

Peyton ate her lunch and then looked around her room trying to decide what she should do next.

If you weren't going to see him why come back to Chesterwood?

Her room was small, but comfortable. There was a small table with two chairs and a king size bed with a floral bed spread. There was a television on top of the small dresser with the remote sitting on top of it, but Peyton didn't watch a lot of television.

Peyton was getting annoyed at the beeping from the cell phone because she had a voicemail so she hit the button and punched in her password. 'Peyton, I love you. She means nothing to me. Peyton please call me back. I am so worried about you. I love you.'

Peyton deleted the message and tossed her phone on the bed and leaned back against the pillow and closed her eyes.

-----"What the hell were you thinking?" Chris said turning and screaming at Sarah.

"I wanted us to be together and you wouldn't leave her!"

"I love her you stupid little whore!" Chris grabbed Sarah by the arms and pushed her against the wall. "She is my wife, my everything. You are nothing but a piece of ass that got herself knocked up to trap me!"

Tears streamed down Sarah's face, but she quickly went from frightened to angry, "Well Chris I bet after seeing that video of us screwing that she won't be your wife much longer."

Chris looked at her as if he were possessed by a demon. He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her down on the bed. Sarah tried to push his hand away from her throat, but he was too strong as she struggled for breath.

"You ruined my life you worthless piece of trash." Chris swung and hit Sarah hard against the face. -----

Peyton jumped up startled and gasping for breath. She could almost feel the impact of Chris' hand against Sarah's face. Her heart was racing and she felt sick.

Just your imagination Peyton…that is what you believe happened between them.

Peyton turned down the air conditioning because it was too chilly in her room. She dug through her largest suitcase and found a pair of jeans and then she went in to brush her teeth. While she was in the bathroom her phone rang again. She knew it had to be Chris so she just continued to brush. Peyton tried not to notice the bags under her eyes or the sadness of the face looking back at her. She looked sixty two instead of thirty two.

Peyton came out of the bathroom and stared at her phone lying on the bed. She took a deep breath and blew it out with puffy cheeks. Then she sat on the bed and dialed her father's house.


Peyton could hear her heart beating in her ears.

"Hello, who is this?"

Peyton hung up the phone. She just couldn't---not yet.

Peyton purchased an internet password from the young boy at the front desk and spent a few hours online. Peyton worked at home doing medical billing from her laptop which she could do from anywhere. She sent an email to her boss letting him know not to worry if her work was sporadic the next couple of weeks. Then she checked her email and found an email from Chris.


I love you. Sarah was a mistake. A mistake that I will never make again. I am so sorry. Please forgive me and come home. I don't care about the money or the furniture I just need you. Please please let me make it up to you Peyton. You are my life and I can't live without you. I can't work or sleep because I am so worried that I will never get to talk to you again that I will never get to explain that she meant nothing to me. I love you Peyton please please call me.

Peyton was getting ready to hit delete when a box popped up at bottom of her screen.

Lawyerstud23173: Peyton?

Her computer had automatically logged in her instant messaging. She quickly logged out and shut the laptop. There was a knock on her door and she opened it to find the young man from the front desk.

"Mrs. O'Brien these were delivered for you, they said for Peyton Jameson, but I assumed with Peyton not being an average name that they were for you."

Peyton took the roses even though no one knew she was there. She placed them on the table next to the laptop and removed the card. She didn't know if she should be frightened or not. All the card had on it was:

Welcome Home Peyton

It was almost seven thirty and Peyton was tired of sitting in her room staring at the walls. She still didn't want to face her father so she ran a comb through her hair and put on some makeup and drove to Bubbas. She knew exactly where it was. She could walk there from her father's house.

Her father hung at Charley's or at least he used to so she wasn't too worried about him coming in to Bubbas which was for a younger crowd.

They were already packed, must be the Friday night happy hour partiers. Peyton slid in the back door and stood in the corner and looked around. What are you doing Peyton you know you will run into someone who knows you? So what? You didn't rob a bank or burn down the town hall or anything!

After a few minutes she didn't see anyone she recognized so she walked over to the bar and sat down. "Jack and Coke," she said to the bartender when he looked at her.

Bubbas had not changed at all. There were four pool tables that you couldn't see from the bar because they were on the other side of the wall. From the bar Peyton could see the dance floor and there was music playing and couples already hanging all over each other. Same ole Chesterwood. The restrooms were on the opposite side of the bar from where Peyton was sitting on the same wall as the main entrance. She would be able to see anyone who came and went from where she was sitting.

The bartender sat her drink in front of her and she pushed a ten-dollar bill toward him and motioned for him to keep the change. She couldn't remember the last time she had a Jack and Coke. Being married to a lawyer all these years had turned her into a wine drinker. All the fancy parties where she was the perfect hostess serving champagne and expensive wine to Chris' friends and co-workers had made her lose her taste for the cheaper things in life.

She thought back and on the stool where she was sitting was probably the last place she had her favorite drink. Peyton felt her phone vibrate in her front pocket, but she ignored it.

She had finished her drink and motioned for another when someone she did know walked in the door. He didn't notice her until he walked up to order a beer and their eyes met across the bar.

"Robert Stark," she whispered to herself.

He raced around the bar and threw his arms around her, "Oh my girl are you a ghost?"

Peyton was always plagued by the bad memories that drove her from Chesterwood so she forgot the friends that she left behind.

"You look amazing Peyton." He hugged her tighter this time as though he was trying to make up for the last fourteen years. Robert Stark had been one of Peyton's best friends all through school. They had gotten in so much trouble together. "You in town long?"

"I don't know. I just got here yesterday."

"You talk to the old man yet?"

Peyton smiled at her friend, "You know me too well."

"You need somewhere to stay?" he asked taking her hand in his.

"No, I'm good. Besides I'm sure you have a wife by now that would object to you bringing home strays."

He didn't respond to what she said about a wife. "I missed you so much Peyton. I heard you moved to New York and then I heard Alaska and that someone had said they read you married this big wig lawyer."

"Robbie, can I buy you a drink?"

"No, but your next ones on me." He pulled up the stool next to her and ordered himself a beer.

Peyton was still looking around the bar sitting there with Robert's hand on top of hers. Peyton didn't really know how a man should treat a woman because of the dysfunctional marriage that her parents had. She knew a mother's love and that was all, but she considered herself lucky to have that. Robert was talking to her about happier times way back when and she was only half listening.

-----"Come on Robbie give me a beer!" Peyton turned to face him as she sat in the front seat of his truck.

"What would you do for it Peyton?"

"Stop teasing me," she said slapping his leg.

Robert held the beer out the truck window, "Come and get it."

Peyton jumped across the seat and tried to reach the beer but Robert's body and the steering wheel were in her way. She looked down into his eyes as they were almost nose to nose and her shirt was so low cut if he stuck out his tongue he would be deep into cleavage. "You gonna give it to me?"

"I don't know Peyton you gonna give it to me?"

"You sure think a lot of yourself don't you Mr. Robert Stark?"

"Kiss me Peyton."

She remembered the look in his eyes. He truly cared about her and that frightened her. She leaned in and touched his lips to hers. Robert slowly wrapped his free hand around her and kissed her longingly and slow. Peyton could feel his body repositioning from his erection, but it was held at bay because of his jeans. -----

She never did have sex with Robert. One night they were really drunk and she let him take off her top and her bra. She had enjoyed what he did to her nipples, but she had put a stop to it before he got too far. She knew Robert would want it all and that included marriage and she couldn't give him what he wanted. No matter how much she may have wanted to.

She wondered now sitting next to him if things would have been different if she would have just given in to him. She knew he had a nifty little package that would no doubt be pleasing because she had peeked when they went skinny dipping, but she was afraid that she would love Robert if they made love so she gave him just enough to keep him interested and kept him far enough to protect her heart.

Robert held onto her hand and talked about what he had been up to the last ten years and as promised bought her next drink. Robert Stark looked exactly the same as when Peyton had last seen him fourteen years ago. He was still muscular with ice blue eyes and a slim build. Without too much detail Peyton told him about what she had been up to and where she had been living and avoided all topics related to why she left Chesterwood. Peyton also avoided the fight Robert and she had before he left for college and the fact that they didn't speak the entire four years he was away. Right now Robert was acting like none of that ever happened, he was acting like she didn't break his heart when she didn't go away to college with him. Peyton sipped her drink and just listened to the sound of Robert's voice and found comfort in an old friend.

After Robert's third beer he got up to use the restroom and Peyton's eyes followed him around the bar and toward the restroom and that is when she noticed Duncan leaning against the wall staring at her. He didn't look happy. He must have assumed that she had met Robert there, a place where he had invited her and now she was going home with someone else.

She got up and started to walk toward him, but he just turned around and walked across the dance floor to the other side of the wall. He must have been over there playing pool and when he went to use the men's room had seen her sitting and laughing and holding hands with another man. A man that Duncan knew of and hated.

Peyton was going to walk over and explain, but Robert was coming back from the men's room so she decided against it. Duncan had eyes that could make a woman forget herself, so maybe right now she was better off reconnecting with Robert. Yeah Peyton that will be much safer! Not!

She and Robert spent two more hours talking about old times. After her sixth Jack and Coke Peyton was having a little trouble standing on her own. The bartender was making her drinks very strong because she was a good tipper. Robert was glad that his father had seen Peyton pull into Bubbas and had called him to let him know. Peyton had been the love of Robert's life and he had made decisions that he regretted and there was still a place in his heart for Peyton. He had dated over the years, but never found anyone that made him feel the way Peyton had so he never married.

Robert offered to drive her wherever she wanted to go, but she quickly turned him down. She did take his cell phone number and put it into her phone that had four more missed calls with voicemails.

Robert said when he returned from the men's room that he would walk her to her car and she waited for him to go in and then she slipped out the back door. She couldn't deal with what may or may not being going through Robert's mind right now. She couldn't think straight and didn't want to do anything stupid. She knew if Robert wrapped his arms around her that she would melt into them, but not because she still loved Robert. Because Chris hadn't loved her enough not to cheat.

She was standing at her car trying to hold herself up and she dropped the keys. Before she could pick them up there was a shadow behind her.

"Well if it isn't Peyton Jameson the little prick tease."

Peyton stood up and turned around, "Jerry Donner, speaking of little pricks."

He was standing about three feet from her when she leaned down to get her keys. Jerry grabbed her by the arm and pushed her up against the door, "You little whore."

"Get off me," she said struggling against his grip. Jerry was leaning on her with all of his two hundred sixty pounds. Jerry ran his hand up her leg and groped her cheeks.

Peyton pulled her arm loose and elbowed him in the side of his head to make him move.

"You little bitch," Jerry grabbed her and in doing so ripped her top.

"What the hell are you doing Jerry? Get off her!" Duncan yelled as he pushed Jerry back.

Peyton crossed her arms in front of her trying to hide the front of her bra. Duncan had Jerry by the arm looking at him as if he was incredibly angry.

"Are you alright?" Duncan asked looking at her with those eyes.

She nodded she was and leaned against the car door.

"Go back in the bar Jerry."

"But man she did---well you know after you invited her here." Jerry mumbled all the way back into the bar.

"I'm sorry, did he hurt you?"

Peyton hugged herself as she held her blouse closed, "I'm fine."

"I'll pay for the top," he said looking down at what used to be an eighty-dollar blouse.

"I have to go," she said with slurred speech.

He touched her arm and Peyton felt her heart jump, "Wait, I'm not letting you drive like this."

Peyton tried to bend down and pick up her keys again, but Duncan beat her to them. Then he gently put his hand under her chin and lifted her eyes up to his as he said with his deep sexy voice, "Peyton, I'm not letting you drive like this and your friend shouldn't have either."

Peyton noticed more than a little bit of a tone when he said that.

"Duncan." He put the key in the lock of her car and reached in and unlocked all the doors. "Duncan," she said lightly stroking his arm. He turned around and his eyes met hers, "I came here to meet you." "I lied to you earlier, I am not a stranger here and that man in there was a friend from many years ago and he happened to walk in."

Duncan scooped her up in his arms and carried her around to the passenger side of her car and helped her get in. He closed her door and got a large smile on his face. Peyton managed to tell him where she was staying before she passed out. Duncan had to put the seat back in the Mercedes because his legs were a lot longer than hers.

He parked her car in front of the B&B and carried her in the side door. Duncan found Peyton's key in her front pocket along with her phone, driver's license and cash.

The place was very quiet except for a radio that was playing low on the front desk.

He carried her into the room and placed her gently on the bed. Duncan switched on the light and stood there for a minute trying to decide what to do next.

Duncan rolled the covers to the middle of the bed and then picked up Peyton and placed her on the sheet. He opened her suitcases until he found something she could sleep in. He pulled off her boots and jeans and covered her with the blankets. Then he lifted her torn shirt over her head. He put her t-shirt over her head and then without looking he unhooked her bra and pulled her shirt down over her. She was mumbling something, but she didn't open her eyes.

His truck was at Ricky's house so he turned off the light and lay on the other side of the bed watching her sleep. He liked the way her curls wrapped around her face. Duncan had thought she was enchanting when she was awake, but now asleep and vulnerable she tugged at his heart strings even harder. Duncan didn't know if he believed in love at first sight because he had never been in love, but this blonde haired beauty with those big sad eyes made him feel more than just a little.

Peyton dreamed that someone was watching her altercation with Jerry Donner from the shadows.

"Until we meet again my sweet."

Peyton was restless and called out Duncan's name in her sleep. He put his arm around her and she seemed to calm down and settle back into a deep sleep.

Peyton opened her eyes and then closed them again because of the shooting pain in her head. There was a little bit of light in the room from the rising sun and she was trying to remember how many drinks she had last night and she knew the answer was way to freaking many. She knew she was back in her room but didn't remember how she got back there until she rolled over and saw Duncan sleeping next to her. He was still wearing his clothes and his boots. However, she was aware that she wasn't.

She grabbed a pair of shorts, a tank top and two Tylenol out of her suitcase and jumped in the shower. She remembered her little run in with Jerry Donner and she remembered her dream about someone watching her little run in with Jerry. Jerry had always been a hot head, but he was loyal. If you messed with one of his friends, then he would sit on you or worse. The hot water felt so good against the stressed muscles in her neck.

She thought she heard the door to her room open and close. She towel dried her hair and brushed her teeth as the pain behind her eyes started to subside but the pain in her temples was excruciating. Usually when she drank she drowned herself in water and nibbles on breadsticks or something, but last night she drowned herself in alcohol with a chaser of alcohol. Sitting and talking with Robert brought a lot of things back to the surface that Peyton had forgotten some good and some bad. And he seemed to keep buying her drinks even after she said she was done.

Please Tylenol kick in super fast.

When she opened the door to the bathroom her room was empty and she closed her eyes for a second and let the coolness of the room wash over her face. Duncan was gone and Peyton was trying to mentally prepare for her day. She started to make the bed when there was a knock on the door. She opened it and Duncan was standing there trying to hold on to two cups of coffee, a cup of juice, two muffins and some fruit.

She took the juice and one muffin from him. He walked passed her and sat down the rest of the items in his hands on the table pushing the roses gently aside to make room.

"Good morning Duncan."

He looked at her with a childish grin, "Good morning Peyton."

"Did I drive?"



"Banana?" he asked holding it out to her.

"Duncan where are the clothes I had on last night?"

He motioned with a nod of his head, "They are folded up in the chair."

"Did we? Did I?"

"No." Duncan smiled because she looked so nervous.

"But," she said motioning that she woke up not wearing her clothes.

"I didn't peak not even just a little. I knew you would never be comfortable in those jeans and your top was ripped anyway. I was a perfect gentleman, this time."

Peyton smiled. She felt very at ease around Duncan Macbain, "I need to take you to your truck."

"Can it wait until after I eat my muffin?"

Peyton sat down at the table next to him and crossed her legs on the chair as she drank her juice and ate her muffin. Duncan was humming quietly to himself as he ate his muffin and drank both cups of coffee.

"So Peyton, what are you going to do on this beautiful Saturday?"

"Sit around and wallow in my own self-pity." Duncan touched his fingers to hers. "I'm sorry I lied to you."

"Not a big deal."

"It is to me. I just didn't want to get waist deep in all my drama with a---"

"Total stranger?"


"Are you Peyton Jameson?"

"I am actually Peyton Jameson O'Brien."

"Mrs. O'Brien?"

"I will be calling a divorce lawyer on Monday."

"I don't want to pry."

"Really?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"Well no I really do want to pry because I find myself unstoppably attracted to you and if you are divorcing your husband that is a plus for me."

He laughed and that made her laugh.

"Peyton, will you spend the day with me?" Duncan stroked the top of her hand with his fingers.


He could see the apprehension on her face as she twirled her wedding ring around her finger. "Before you rattle off ten excuses of why you can't, let me tell you why you can. I am a really cool guy who works hard. I am nice and not too ugly and I was a perfect gentleman last night."

"So you want me to thank you for not having wild sex with me while I was unconscious?"

"Wild huh?" he said smiling and raising his eyebrows up and down.

Peyton couldn't help but smile and shake her head at him.

"Duncan, I have a lot on my mind."

"And is that going to change any time soon?"

"Probably not."

"Then why not just hang out with me while you work through your problems. I can listen or not listen. Whatever you need."

"Duncan, you said that you don't live in Chesterwood?"

"That's correct but don't try to change the subject. I stay with my brother on the weekends to help him with the kids. Sometimes he needs a break; a single dad taking care of three young children can be overwhelming."

"Sounds rough. What's your brother's name?"

"Half-brother really we have different mothers, his name is Richard Brickman. His wife was murdered six years ago."

"Lindsay Brickman?" Peyton went ashen and her heart started to race and she thought she might vomit. Six years ago she had a dream about the murder of her best friend Lindsay Brickman. She had thought about telling Chris, but she didn't want to ruin the life they had made together by dredging up the past. "Duncan." Peyton took a deep breath, "Duncan where did they find her body?" Before Duncan could tell her Peyton's phone rang. She looked at the caller I.D. and saw it was Tanya. "I have to take this."

"May I use your bathroom?"

"Of course." Peyton watched him walk into the bathroom in his tight jeans and perfect little butt as she took several deep breaths to keep her breakfast down. She answered the phone and tried to steady her voice and get Lindsay Brickman's face out of her mind, "Hey girlfriend."

"Peyton where are you?"


"There was a man here asking about you, it wasn't Chris. He flashed me a badge and fed me a bunch of horseshit, but I didn't tell him anything."

"Thanks Tanya."

"You're safe?"

"For now."

"I love you chick."

"I know you do. I think I will be moving on at the end of the week, but for right now I think I'm good."

"If I were you I would have the service turned off on your cell just to make sure he can't trace it. I would buy a disposable with minutes."

"Tanya do you work for witness protection?" Peyton was half joking and expected Tanya to laugh, but there was silence. "You alright?"

Peyton heard Tanya take a deep breath as Duncan came out of the bathroom looking oddly refreshed with his hair dripping wet. "Peyton, I was an abused wife and I stayed in the relationship until the night he beat me so badly that I almost died. There was a woman who came to see me at the hospital. I think one of my nurses called her but I could never prove it and she helped me to get a new life and she told me to always have certain things prepared and I do just in case as you saw Thursday. No one will ever have that type of power over me again and no one will ever hurt me or you."

Duncan sat back down next to Peyton. He was worried about how sad she looked.

"I promised myself that no one would ever hurt me again and I don't think Chris would ever physically hurt you Peyton, but I think that you need to stay away from him either way."

"I'll call you Monday with the new number."

"Ok Peyton, I love you girl. You be safe."



"Just in case anything would happen to me tell the police the last time you talked to me---I---never mind I will be just fine." Peyton decided that she didn't want to upset Tanya any further. Tanya didn't need to know about Lindsay Brickman or the flowers or the fact that she thought someone was watching her. "Talk to you soon." Peyton hung up the phone and sat it on the table.

"Peyton." She looked up to meet those eyes that mesmerized her and in that moment looking into those eyes she felt safe. "Peyton please spend the day with me. We can talk or not talk, but it would hurt me to let you go right now. Will you give me a few wonderful hours with you?"

Peyton didn't really know why, but she said, "Ok."

His smile lit up the room.

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